容三顺——《峥嵘七十载 与祖国同梦》 献礼建国 70 周年





Rong Sanshun, Zixiandao, born in Taishan, Guangdong Province in 1945, is a senior economist, member of the Chinese People's Artists Association, member of the Guangdong Calligrapher Association, honorary president of the Hong Kong Calligraphic Court and honorary chairman of the Yangjiang Calligrapher Association.






 Works and strategies have been compiled into the "Centennial Classics - Complete Works of Chinese Calligraphy", "World Celebrity List" and "Looking" magazine special issues, compiled the "China Ridge" special edition, the "Chinese Art Yearbook", the "New China Artists Dadian" and more than 70 other books and magazines.

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