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2019-11-11 17:11:17   浏览次数:

Mindray mobilephone Make Supermedia and Telemedical

2017年诺奖提名的项目   发明者:互联网先驱徐工\徐瑞明Xugong Xuruiming



徐工帮助中科院,上海师大加入研究,但他们涉嫌脑控监视等犯罪。腾讯公司也对脑电波很感兴趣。网络上脑电波新闻和产品非常多,我甚至体验了梦境传输试验,能让聋子瞎子能听能看!该研究获2017年诺贝尔奖提名(未领奖)。国外许多公司都加入了研究,如neurosky.com;Emotiv; Xwave    相关科幻电影很多,如《阿凡达》。

电脑记录播放脑电波保存为mp3,wav(采样192KHz)可含气味温度(25KHz)音频。记录分享脑电波心电图用于医疗理疗,超媒体影视,Mediaplayer播放可视化效果漂亮!手机通话传播脑电波Mindray很容易,将来能听能看有气味!渴望合作开发!手机内置电磁电容霍尔元件可感应记录mindray超媒体电影能听能看有气味。摄像头RGB图像可转化为人眼RGY图像(创维公司有RGY液晶电视)造福盲人、聋哑人、老人 。










2011年参加大连市诺奖大师国际会议有11个诺贝尔奖获得者与徐工老师在大连会展中心达沃斯国际技术大会、诺奖大师国际会议、国际工业生物技术大会上面谈。2016年8月25日左右,平湖派出所7辆警车护卫咱们的习主席与徐工在平龙东路爱文学校对面的玄武观路口面谈;8月21日,凤凰警务处警察陪同徐工老师与比尔盖茨面谈,许多警察护卫比尔盖茨,授予徐工老师Networks Father荣誉称号。2016年8月28日,深圳市罗湖区笋岗派出所警察把荣誉称号写入徐工身份证电脑档案信息,许多火车站安检处、派出所、世界互联网大会乌镇安检处都扫描徐工老师身份证一下子就发现了红色的荣誉称号标志。2019年平湖鹅公岭警务处强调的确扫描一下就看到了醒目的红色“互联网之父,称为网络之父也可以”荣誉称号记录。10月美国大使馆收到徐工老师发送的感谢信,特别与徐工老师在深圳市观澜精英学校面谈,肯定了徐工老师在国际互联网发明的技术贡献,确认徐工老师的netfather荣誉称号。徐工老师参加2015-2018年世界互联网大会获得官方认可与肯定,中央电视台播放世界互联网大会报道,说“马云马化腾只是利用网络不是创造网络,一个自称徐工的人被与会嘉宾们公认为最有资格称为网络之父”。



Brainwave Supermedia Mobilephone and AI Application -----Nomination For Nobel Award

Using mobile phones can easily record and share brainwave, or send doctors to mobile internet medical services. After receiving the EEG wav\mp3 file, doctors can display the waveforms of brainwave with computer software and diagnose the condition. Or we can use mobile phones to feedback physical therapy and health care, and store the excellent brainwave with mobile phone health care electrodes to enter the body for physical therapy and health care. Among them, a wave improves IQ and memory, beta wave and gamma wave improves imagination, IQ improves learning and working ability, and theta wave promotes sleep。 Mobile phone physiotherapy, health care and mobile internet medical care are our company's innovation.

Mobile phone record and save movie as MP4 format with brainwave,and it can directly  display , while enjoying the movie screen while doing brainwave health care, improve IQ, improve memory and improve learning ability. More information about the smell and temperature of brainwave can also be added to the movie files, Even developed brainwave air conditioning, makes people very cool!  The Internal sensor mobilephone is easy to use. It can directly record and share the supermedia movies of the brainwave of the smell and temperature, as the flowers`s fragrance.

Human eyes have cone photoreceptors of red R, green G and yellow Y colors and rod cells that can only sense light brightness. It is said that now there are machines that can directly transform the RGY mode images seen by human eyes into computer RGB images, which are displayed on computer monitors. Some people say so, but I didn't see such machines. What I saw is that the postgraduate of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is using computer to record brainwave in Shanghai. So in 2000, I entered into this major. In a word, the image exchange between human eye and computer can be realized. The result of such transformation is that humans can use camera  instead of eyes to produce vision, which is a great blessing to millions of blind people. Brainwave  earned disabled people more dignity and more rights to live.

I managed the computer electrophysiology laboratory of the first teaching building of Shanghai Normal University in 1996-1998, and pioneered the research of human mind information. The small linguistic peaks are clearly displayed on the recorded EEG background, which reflects a good one-to-one correspondence between EEG and language. The corresponding relationship between EEG and speech is easy to realize and convert. As long as the action potential of the vocal cord nerve fibers is recorded and amplified into the skin of the arm/belly, it will vibrate as the speaker produces the voice of human speech. How interesting it is!

brainwave can be stored in wav and MP3 format and then be sent out to share after amplification. Internal sensor phones are more convenient to record brainwave. brainwave movies can be saved as MP4, RM formats. Smart APP can also be installed in mobile phones, so as to get more artificial intelligence applications of brainwave. Factory can produce EEG security, EEG attendance, EEG supermedia film and television accessories, and other machines.

Welcome to contact me by mobilephone of the mobilephone 13189738094

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评论:所谓大学:管理监狱化 素质流氓化 kiss公开化 消费白领化 上课梦境化 逃课普遍化 寝室网吧化





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